Thursday, October 2, 2008

found poem.

the sweet smell of hot sunshine gone,
a blood-colored summer sunset displayed
replaced by a bright moonlight glow.

she goes down to the beach and stands there alone,
loose hair blowing in the breeze.
moonlight splashing over her tear-streaked face.
she whishes he would follow,
if he loved me he would.

she lays on the sand as soft footsteps approach.
he lays down beside her, pulls her close
and holds her hand.
a soft whisper of I love you.

he whishes she came with a label,
Handle with care-fragile.

but for the moment, they are fine,
they have they’re own little island right in the middle of time.
but all too soon the bright blue horizon will replace the darkness.
but maybe it wouldn’t happen that way,
maybe time would stand still.

if only they were lucky,
if only they were lucky.


Jake said...

very small font but very large message

APLITghosts said...

You did manage to stop time for a minute when you wrote about this way. nice job. - elmeer