Sunday, November 2, 2008

dramatic monologue

"i drink to my annihilation"
with each sip of strawberry ice-cream soma,
The Solidarity Hymn is sung.
We are slowly letting go,
no longer facing reality.
let it mask the pain, the worry.

A wonderful experience to some,
not to me.
I only feel isolation,

They need it,
to be happy,
to relax,
to hide themselves,
to take a brief holiday.
And escape what they know.

Take some, have some.
"A gramme is better than a damn"
a need for instant gratification.
relieve you of stress.
take the anger away.

They call it "Christianity without tears"
it's a lie.
it doesn't last.
it never does.

The more I use it,
the worse I feel.

While they become one,
I become none.
Oh Ford! how I wish it wasn't so.

If only they knew,
If only they knew.

1 comment:

APLITghosts said...

That is a wild line in Brave New World isn't it? "I drink to my .." I had forgotten about it temporarily. Thank you for effectively reminding me about it. That contrasted with the straweberry drink are two interesting lines. The strawberry mixture sounds so harmless. Good job. Who is speaking in this particular dramatic monologue? Did I miss the picture. I will post this and then look again. - mrs. elmeer